
Keratoconus Definition – An eye disorder characterized by an irregular corneal surface (cone-shaped)resulting in blurred and distorted images.

Keratoconus is a type of corneal dystrophy in which the normally dome-shaped cornea becomes thin and begins to bulge outward in a cone-like shape. Instead of the round shape of a healthy cornea, the cornea takes on a shape similar to that of the end of a football. Keratoconus is generally inherited, although it can occur with no family history of the disease. Keratoconus usually begins development around puberty, but can also begin in the patient’s 20s.

According to the AAO, about 1/ 2000 people will develop keratoconus. Most people will have a mild or moderate form of the disease. Less than 10% of people with keratoconus will develop the most severe form. It typically is diagnosed in the late teens or twenties, however, many people have been diagnosed in their mid to late thirties. It is common for one eye to develop keratoconus faster than the other, and the eyes may go for long periods of time without any change- and then change dramatically over a period of months.

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What causes keratoconus?

The cornea is made up of five different layers. The biggest layer, called the stroma, is made up of mostly water and collagen. Collagen, tiny fibers of protein, are responsible for maintaining the shape of the cornea. When the collagen fibers become weak the corneal shape cannot be maintained, and the eye begins to form a cone-like shape.

Keratoconus is caused by an insufficient number of protective antioxidants. The corneal cells emit harmful by-products, which are normally taken care of by the antioxidants. Without these antioxidants, the collagen fibers become weakened by the harmful by-products of the corneal cells.

What are the symptoms?

Keratoconus is usually a slowly progressing disease. Since this disease begins at a young age, chances are the beginnings of the disease will be caught during a routine eye examination. If keratoconus runs in your family, doctors will start running yearly or bi-yearly keratoconus tests starting at age 10.

Keratoconus affects both eyes, although the severity and timing can vary between each eye. Common symptoms of keratoconus include:

  • Blurry vision
  • Mild irritation
  • Glare
  • Sensitivity to light

Symptoms generally worsen as time goes on, and can sometimes develop rapidly. It is important to report any changes in your vision to your ophthalmologist.

Keratoconus Treatments

While keratoconus has no outright cure, there are many treatment options. Here at OCLI, we understand that declining vision can be frustrating. We offer the most up-to-date treatments, technology and research available to our patients living with keratoconus.

Keratoconus treatment generally begins with a new eyeglass prescription. If eyeglasses do not provide adequate vision; contact lenses may be used. The type of contact lenses used with keratoconus are called rigid gas permeable contact lenses. Eventually, it may be necessary to seek other methods of treatment, such as surgery.

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Intacs® Corneal Implants

Intacs® Corneal Implants are an ophthalmic medical device that can be used as a treatment for keratoconus, especially in those who do not tolerate contact lenses well. Intacs® are very thin plastic semi-circular rings. The Intacs® are inserted into the middle layer of the cornea, called the stroma. When inserted, the Intacs® works to flatten the cornea, reducing the effects of keratoconus.

Corneal Cross-linking (CXL)

Corneal cross-linking (CXL) is a minimally invasive procedure which involves applying liquid riboflavin (vitamin B2) to the surface of the eye, followed by administration of ultra-violet light. This in office process works to strengthen the cornea weakened from keratoconus.

Corneal Transplant

A corneal transplant, also known as a corneal graft or a penetrating keratoplasty, involves the removal of the central portion (called a button) of the diseased cornea and replacing it with a matched donor button of cornea. Corneal grafts are performed on patients with damaged or scarred corneas that prevent acceptable vision. This may be due to corneal scarring from disease or trauma.

Deciding When to Have a Corneal Transplant

A common indication for keratoplasty is keratoconus. The eye-care practitioner must decide when to recommend keratoplasty for the keratoconic patient. This is often not a simple, straight-forward decision. Keratoplasty for keratoconus is highly successful; however, there is a long recovery period and a risk of severe ocular complications. A number of factors must be considered in deciding when to do a keratoplasty. One of the most important is the patient’s functional vision. If the best acuity with their contact lenses prevents them from doing their job or carrying out their normal activities, a transplant must be considered. The actual measured visual acuity may be quite different for different patients. One patient may find that he/she can not do their job with 20/30 acuity while another patient may be very satisfied with 20/60 acuity.

Here at OCLI, we are committed to providing the best keracotonus treatment methods available today. If you have been diagnosed with keratoconus and would like to schedule an appointment with one of our cornea experts, call us today!

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