Are you fed up with the hassles associated with glasses and contact lenses?

Would your lifestyle, job and personal activities benefit from not being dependent on glasses?

If you have answered yes to these questions, you are not alone; millions on the US suffer from visual disorders that can be treated. That is right, clear vision with no/reduced dependence on glasses and contact lenses is an option! At OCLI we take pride in offering the people of Long Island the most advanced options for vision correction, including blade free / all laser LASIK. Most who struggle with glasses and contact lenses have heard about vision correction procedures such as LASIK. LASIK laser vision correction continues to grow in popularity, and with good reason. Millions have undergone LASIK to date with amazing results. At OCLI, our surgeons have an excellent track record of helping Long Island LASIK surgery patients greatly reduce or completely eliminate their need for eyeglasses and contact lenses!

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What is LASIK?

LASIK surgery has made many advances in recent years. However, the goal has remained the same: LASIK surgery aims to correct refractive error permanently, eliminating or reducing dependency on eyeglasses as much as possible. The OCLI Long Island LASIK Surgeons take great pride in offering the latest advancements in LASIK technology by using the AMO (Advanced Medical Optics) iLASIK platform as well as the Wavelight Laser.

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During LASIK, your OCLI LASIK surgeon will begin by creating a corneal “flap” on the surface of the eye using a femtosecond laser. This exposes the outer layers of the cornea for treatment. Once the flap has been created, your surgeon will begin to make the necessary adjustments to the cornea using an excimer laser. The excimer laser reshapes the cornea to a set of desired specifications, allowing for clear vision at all distances. Once the procedure has ended, the corneal flap is replaced and acts as a self-healing bandage. There are no stitches required after LASIK surgery, and healing is generally quick.

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Have you been told you are not a candidate for LASIK?

If you have been to a LASIK consultation in the past and told you are not a candidate for LASIK due to astigmatism, corneal thickness or any other reasoning, the Long Island LASIK Surgeons at OCLI recommend you have another consultation. With technological advancements, now even more people are candidates for LASIK than ever before.

There are also alternatives to LASIK that may be more suitable based on your particular needs. PRK, the KAMRA inlay, and refractive lens exchange are also options that our expert surgeons can discuss with you at your upcoming LASIK evaluation.

About LASIK Alternatives at OCLI

LASIK is the most common and widely known form of vision correction, but based on your personal needs another vision correction option may be better for your visual needs. Below are other vision correction options offered in Long Island at OCLI


PRK is similar to LASIK as it uses the same excimer laser to correct the curvature of the cornea and provide clear vision. The difference is that, with PRK, a corneal flap is not created. This vision correction procedure is generally performed on those with thin corneas or those who have had other eye surgeries in the past. The recovery time is longer than with LASIK as the cornea needs to naturally heal, but the visual correction results are the same as LASIK.

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This advanced and newly FDA approved procedure allows those who struggle with presbyopia to free themselves of reading glasses! OCLI is among the first in Long Island to offer this advanced technology. Presbyopia is an eye condition that happens as we age. Generally when we reach our 40’s and 50’s our near vision will begin to decrease, making it tougher to read small print and perform up close tasks. Many will turn to over-the-counter readers to help see up close. The Kamra Inlay can reduce or even eliminate the need for these readers. The KAMRA Inlay is inserted under only one cornea that will correct near vision; both eyes will then work together to see near and far effectively!

Refractive Lens Exchange

For reasons of age, health history and eye conditions, refractive lens exchange (RLE), also known as clear lens extraction (CLE), may be the preferred option for vision correction. This procedure is much like cataract surgery, where the clouded lens (the cataract) is removed and replaced with an intraocular lens. However, with RLE, a cataract has not developed and the clear lens is removed and replaced with a premium lens implant. Premium lens implants allow for clear vision at all ranges, near, far and intermediate. There are several types of lenses and your OCLI surgeon will determine the best one for your needs. This procedure will eliminate the necessity of cataract surgery, which would be needed at a later age.

At OCLI we are pleased to provide our patients with a variety of vision correction options to suit your individual needs. Our Long Island vision correction surgeons are among the most experienced in the nation and have undergone special training to be experts in this field. If you have been considering a vision correction procedure like LASIK, PRK, the KAMRA Inlay or refractive lens exchange we encourage you to schedule a consultation today!

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